Transformation 101: The Cake Becomes a Pie @VerbaVitae

I try to avoid much about my current work life on this Blog, on Twitter.  But, sometimes stepping out of my obscurity is worth the exposure.  Today’s one of those days.  Because I realize I can share some things that may make a big difference to my readers.  Here goes.  Below, I provide some needed factoids, and give you some tools to better your Project Life.

My life is adorned with the unavoidable streamers of my Paradigm on Everything- that Everything is Energy.  That’s because for the last thirteen years, I have worked as an Energy Professional.  Among other things, people consult me about life, business, property, and serious health issues.  I don’t just get info on these topics for my clients – I work to change them for the better.  Basically, I’m an Urban Shaman, some form of a Hip Wizard.

The tenets of my work can relate to the success of a creative project, film, script, novel and the like – so I’m sharing some of my Wizardry Tools today.  First, know that you and I and our projects basically can’t get away from the reality that Everything is Energy.

We can start to make sense of Energy if we define it as units of information.  Little units – that can be detracted from, added to, changed a little or a lot.  In my work, I simply decide how something could be optimally improved – generally or specifically, and intend for the Energy to match the intention, or as close to it as possible.  This process of re-constructing Energy in form and/or function (think muscles and muscle movement as an example of form and function) from one state to another, is Transformation.  On an atomic level, it may go BLAM, POP, SPARK, ZING … all I know is that in the blink of an eye, the Thing I’ve Worked On is different.

In my experience, there really is no limit to how dramatically something can transform.  I attribute the degree of Transformation to whether the Universe will allow it.  I always start with an intention that hands the outcome over to something other than me.  But beyond that first intention, the reality is that often things change quickly – the issue or condition transforms:  people who can’t walk can walk, people with drug dependence and disability due to pain and injury, become suddenly injury free, pain-free and live then on without drugs – and the most dramatic to me, the sudden departure of serious illness.

Okay.  Here’s an example of my attempting to transform something in real-time.  Let’s say someone comes to me with a deviated septum and crooked nose.  First, I set my intention – that the outcome be determined by something other than me, and that the Energy transform optimally.  I then begin my work to Transform the Energy.  I attempt to straighten, move over, widen, thin out – whatever it looks like I need to do.  The part of their face I’m working on at the time looks wavy, almost fluid.  I do this without touching a person.  While I do this work without even being in the same Hemisphere as the person, being in the same room is handy, because I can adjust my work based on how the nose and face look as I go.  The result has always been successful – the client can breathe, they have a beautiful nose.  The purpose of this Blog is not my work or noses, so read on.

I describe the above, to let you see that I attempted something unheard of, but my intentions led me to a great result.  Transforming Energy is about getting down to what needs to happen for the Thing to be Different.  I don’t take a long walk from “A-Z” to accomplish that.  I simply recognize where things are at, and where I want them to be.  The Thing goes from “A to wherever” in a flash.

What does this have to do with transforming a cake into a pie – the title of this Post?  I talked in my last blog post about how we are benefited from letting a project or an issue ripen to its best self before we go Interventionist.  Today, I’m talking about how to harness this little thing called Energy Transformation when we are sure we want the Something to be Different – when we want the Cake to be a Pie, and how you can facilitate Transformation for your creative projects.

Let’s take a project – our Cake in the Oven.  Film, script, novel draft.  We think it’s done.  We’ve taken it out of the oven.  It’s definitely done.  But, what if the words and images are great but the underlying Energy is less than ideal?

An important Factoid here is that The Energy of Something is more than what we think we see or know about.  It’s the invisible Stuff that can dictate how Energy behaves in real-time.  This can make or break a project.

Here’s a few questions:  Without threat of starvation, would you eat food that had been cooked in a morgue?  Would you want a piece of art in your home created by a mass murderer?  Would you want a piece of jewelry that was made by a slave?  Would you willingly wear a used wedding dress where the marriage ended in divorce?

The great news is…Energy can be Transformed.

How can we harness Transformation to better our projects?  First, Wizard jeans on, wands up.  Okay.  Here are the tools.  We can better the project in a few tangible ways.  First off, I highly suggest you: Intend that the outcome be determined by something other than you – your Higher Power, if you are comfy with that.  This insures that you can detach from the outcome, and something else decides how the intended work that’s coming fits into The Scheme of Things.  Tool Number One:  Intend that whatever is inhibiting the project from flourishing be removed.  That’s it.  Transformation.  Need something a little more hands-on?  Tool Number Two:  Imagine that your project sits in a garden.  What do you see?  How can you make that plant-bed better for your project?  Often when I look at my project gardens, I see weeds.  This represents for me, Energy that is detracting from the health of the project.  I imagine pulling the weeds.  Need a Scarecrow?  Erect one.  Do whatever you need to do to make that garden space a better environment for your Project.  Visit the garden often to maintain its health.

And finally, the Mother of all Energy Transformation Tools.  Tool Number Three:  Calls back Energy in the form of thoughts that left your head about your Project – your fears, angst, pessimism, events that have occurred around the project that were not positive, etc.  Imagine you can call all of this counter-productive Energy back from the places in the Universe it went to.  Ask it to come back about two feet from you.  Imagine you can blow up this Energy like little fireworks.  This neutralizes the Energy.  Now, imagine positive helping thoughts in their place – that the project is sound, that it is vital, that it is blessed, that it is the best version of itself.  Intend that these new positive thoughts leave your head and go out into the Universe to Do Their Thing.

And finally, an intention that will transform a cake into a pie anytime – Tool Number Four:  Intend that you detach from the outcome.  Attachment to outcome is certain to bunch up the panties of any Energy, and disable it from manifesting as it could otherwise.

Transformation Before My Eyes

Transformation Before My Eyes Guinness Estate, Ireland, 2009

These tools, incidentally, can be used for any part of your project – professional relationships, etc.  And, these tools can be used for any aspect of your life.

Two last things:  FYI, I bat for the Good Guys.  And, please don’t re-frame your opinion of who I am on what you’ve read here.  It’s just a job.  I also poop, cry, laugh, watch football, and oh yeah, write. 😀

Got a question?  Shoot me a comment.

Photo: From My 2009 Trip to Europe

Transformation Prelude: The Cake’s In the Oven

I love the phrase “The cake’s in the oven.”  Not a darn thing you can do to make that cake bake to its best any faster.

This concept comes up a lot in appointments with clients about some part of their life – my work’s not the point of this blog.  But, what I hear that relates to the ‘cake’ is: “It’s taking so long!”  “What am I doing wrong?”  “It hasn’t come together.”  And, “Maybe I’m not good enough to…”

We’re all waiting on a cake – of some kind. I don’t care who you are, or what you do. If you are a writer, filmmaker, director, screenwriter, plumber, banker, gardener, salesperson, someone searching for some kind of fulfillment. We all wait on the cake.

If we rush the cake, its flavor may suffer from poor composition.  If we turn up the heat, it may get burned.  If we often open up the door of the oven to check on it, we slow its progress. If we take it out too early, it tastes like batter.

This is the great risk for any writer, filmmaker – even a seeker of love.  We rush the deal, the career, the publishing; we pinch, we look, we insist – the ART, the DREAM.  What we don’t realize is that as soon as we’ve conceived something and brought it into this world, it is orbiting around some planet in some solar system, that has to do much more with Itself than with us.  And yet, we act as if we can control it.

Enter the cake. The cake is the project, the intention.  Can we give it the time it needs in our head, in a drawer, in the mail, on a desk, in discussion, in production, in printing, in editing, in uploading – in time?   Can we wait with our blessings?

If we opt to wait and let it do its thing, then that work of ART, that realized DREAM will be the best version of Itself that you can deliver, like a midwife out into the world – whether viewed by only you, or by millions.